Some call me cheap.
Some call me coupon crazy.
Some call me thrifty.
I like to call myself a Coupon Connoisseur.
Not an easy task as I don't even buy the Sunday paper on an ongoing basis.
I am very careful not to buy things that I won't or shouldn't use. I also know that the whole point of a pantry is being able to bulk buy for future use! So, give me a $3 off coupon for a 36-pack of my toilet paper and I will buy it, even though I am only half-way through my current 36-pack! After all, I'll need it eventually.
So, does this make me cheap or smart?
This week was one of my biggest successes yet. Yes, I love my Kroger Card. Yes, I love my coupons. Yes, Kroger's bonus coupons rock! Yes, finding my favorite scrapbook accessory at a close-out price is pretty cool too!
Total bill: $153.81
Cha-ching: $60.53
Total paid: $93.28
Amount Kroger donated to my church because I used my prepaid card: $3.73
OK, OK. . .I may be cheap, but I'm damn good at it!
This is me. These are my opinions. This is my journey. These are my memories.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Technology. . .
. . .is going to be the death of me!
I am in the middle of a major war with my home computer.
I may have scored a temporary battle, but it is winning the war - for now.
If the post has a time of 8:45pm-ish, then my victory lasted long enough to get it posted. If it mysteriously appears sometime Wednesday morning with a time of 11:59pm, then I gave up and posted from work.
I'm trying real hard to find patience between now and vacation. There is a chance that I am going to have a 'Sledge-Hammer Meets Computer' party. Stay tuned!
I am in the middle of a major war with my home computer.
I may have scored a temporary battle, but it is winning the war - for now.
If the post has a time of 8:45pm-ish, then my victory lasted long enough to get it posted. If it mysteriously appears sometime Wednesday morning with a time of 11:59pm, then I gave up and posted from work.
I'm trying real hard to find patience between now and vacation. There is a chance that I am going to have a 'Sledge-Hammer Meets Computer' party. Stay tuned!
Monday, May 28, 2007
What the. . .
Sometimes things happen in my life that make me think "What the f...".
"How did I know she needed me to call at that moment?"
"Why does it feel like I've been here before?"
"How in the world did he recognize me from a picture?"
And then I realize that most of the mysteries in life happen for a reason. . .
I just need to be patient long enough for the reason to become obvious.
Happy Memorial Day to everyone.
Thank-you to all of the soldiers who are protecting my freedom.
I will always remember and cherish those who gave their life for mine.
"How did I know she needed me to call at that moment?"
"Why does it feel like I've been here before?"
"How in the world did he recognize me from a picture?"
And then I realize that most of the mysteries in life happen for a reason. . .
I just need to be patient long enough for the reason to become obvious.
Happy Memorial Day to everyone.
Thank-you to all of the soldiers who are protecting my freedom.
I will always remember and cherish those who gave their life for mine.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Problem. . .
Yes, unbelievable as it is, I have a problem.
No, it's not an earth shattering problem. The world is not coming to an end.
My problem? Well. . .
Last week ago, I bought an outfit for GrandmaMarie's Birthday Party. Got a pair of shorts and a tank top in the "new" sizes. Unfortunately, Mother Nature had different plans than I, so I had to wear some warmer clothes that day.
No, not the problem - keep reading. . .
Last night, Lexismoo and I decided to go out to eat for my last meal of the day (other than a VERY strong drink, I stayed true to my weight loss regimen). I put on my new pair of shorts and. . . . . . They are too big in my waist. Yep, they are gaping to the point that when I sit down, more people will know the color of my underwear than I really want.
As amazing as it may be, that isn't the problem. . .
On Monday, I'll be heading out shopping to get some new clothes to take to Vegas. This is pretty much the only time that I have for this outing.
So if I bought a pair of nice fitting shorts and seven days later they are too big, how in the world am I going to be able to shop for a weekend that is over two weeks away? My luck - If I buy everything too tight, I will lose weight in other areas and the clothes will remain too tight.
Yep, that is my dilemma.
This is the big problem that I have to blog about today! What a blessing my life is!
No, it's not an earth shattering problem. The world is not coming to an end.
My problem? Well. . .
Last week ago, I bought an outfit for GrandmaMarie's Birthday Party. Got a pair of shorts and a tank top in the "new" sizes. Unfortunately, Mother Nature had different plans than I, so I had to wear some warmer clothes that day.
No, not the problem - keep reading. . .
Last night, Lexismoo and I decided to go out to eat for my last meal of the day (other than a VERY strong drink, I stayed true to my weight loss regimen). I put on my new pair of shorts and. . . . . . They are too big in my waist. Yep, they are gaping to the point that when I sit down, more people will know the color of my underwear than I really want.
As amazing as it may be, that isn't the problem. . .
On Monday, I'll be heading out shopping to get some new clothes to take to Vegas. This is pretty much the only time that I have for this outing.
So if I bought a pair of nice fitting shorts and seven days later they are too big, how in the world am I going to be able to shop for a weekend that is over two weeks away? My luck - If I buy everything too tight, I will lose weight in other areas and the clothes will remain too tight.
Yep, that is my dilemma.
This is the big problem that I have to blog about today! What a blessing my life is!
Friday, May 25, 2007
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Either the scale at the gym is broke or I HAVE LOST 77 LBS!!!
OK, I have been working my a$$ off. . .So, I am going with the wonderful news of weight loss!
3 more pounds to go before I get the caliper body-fat measurement scheduled.
OK, I have been working my a$$ off. . .So, I am going with the wonderful news of weight loss!
3 more pounds to go before I get the caliper body-fat measurement scheduled.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Have You Ever. . .
Received a drunken dial?
Made a drunken dial?
I have to say yes to both! I probably have made more than my fair share to be honest!
MommyMarie has a few stories of phone calls that I supposedly made during New Year's Eve Celebrations. . . And there really wouldn't be any times when someone may have been tailgating. . .
I have even been accused of the drunken text on occasion.
I still think that my cell phone was stolen and mysteriously returned during the night. . .
I had never received a drunken dial while at work. . .
And I definitely can't say that I have received an internationally drunken dial. . .
Until this week.
I answered the phone during my lunch break and. . . . . .
It was hilarious! I was laughing so hard once I realized what was going on that my eyes started watering.
The phone may have only been dialed once, but I had conversations with two people.
Does that count as two international drunken dials or one?
Made a drunken dial?
I have to say yes to both! I probably have made more than my fair share to be honest!
MommyMarie has a few stories of phone calls that I supposedly made during New Year's Eve Celebrations. . . And there really wouldn't be any times when someone may have been tailgating. . .
I have even been accused of the drunken text on occasion.
I still think that my cell phone was stolen and mysteriously returned during the night. . .
I had never received a drunken dial while at work. . .
And I definitely can't say that I have received an internationally drunken dial. . .
Until this week.
I answered the phone during my lunch break and. . . . . .
It was hilarious! I was laughing so hard once I realized what was going on that my eyes started watering.
The phone may have only been dialed once, but I had conversations with two people.
Does that count as two international drunken dials or one?
Monday, May 21, 2007
I'm Not Perfect. . .
I never claimed to be.
I have lots of things that I need to work on.
I have things that need improvement.
That is my reality.
That is my truth.
I made two treasure maps this past week.
One is in regards to relationships: those of my current family, my gal-pals and my future.
One is in regards to Me, Myself & I: Goals physically and mentally for me.
I will work toward improving myself as I prepare for the future.
Regardless of whether that includes those in my life currently or those that are still to enter.
I signed up to have a wonderful life. To experience joy and happiness.
Having said that: I am running out of puzzle pieces - I have given them all away.
I fear that some dear friends will be leaving me soon.
Damn that hurts. More than I care to admit. It breaks my heart.
I am SOOOO looking forward to Vegas. BucketGal - Are you ready?
(Yes, I will find you a new name - but I knew you would recognize that one from college.
Was I right?)
I have lots of things that I need to work on.
I have things that need improvement.
That is my reality.
That is my truth.
I made two treasure maps this past week.
One is in regards to relationships: those of my current family, my gal-pals and my future.
One is in regards to Me, Myself & I: Goals physically and mentally for me.
I will work toward improving myself as I prepare for the future.
Regardless of whether that includes those in my life currently or those that are still to enter.
I signed up to have a wonderful life. To experience joy and happiness.
Having said that: I am running out of puzzle pieces - I have given them all away.
I fear that some dear friends will be leaving me soon.
Damn that hurts. More than I care to admit. It breaks my heart.
I am SOOOO looking forward to Vegas. BucketGal - Are you ready?
(Yes, I will find you a new name - but I knew you would recognize that one from college.
Was I right?)
Sunday, May 20, 2007
The other day, I was searching for a past post on the Blog and realized that almost everything had been dumped into the "My Reality" category.
Talk about frustrating! Even more so when I realized that the post I was looking for wasn't even in the "My Reality" section! :)
So, I spent some time reorganizing a bit tonight. If you click on a category sections now (UPDATE: you can find the categories at the end of every post - listed after "Rambling About"), you will actually get a list of posts that are related. Imagine that!
Talk about frustrating! Even more so when I realized that the post I was looking for wasn't even in the "My Reality" section! :)
So, I spent some time reorganizing a bit tonight. If you click on a category sections now (UPDATE: you can find the categories at the end of every post - listed after "Rambling About"), you will actually get a list of posts that are related. Imagine that!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Love - Hate Relationship. . .
Yes, I have one - with food! I love it. It loves my hips. I hate my hips.
Doesn't work too well in the long run.
I think I mentioned previously that I am back in another weight-loss competition.
Yes, I'm crazy - I never claimed anything different! My ever muscular cheerleader, Sadillac, put together a meal plan for me. It's pretty clear: 4 oz of this here, 1/2 c of that there, so much of this, so little of that. . .
I USED to like him!
So, I was getting a little aggravated measuring out my portions at every meal. I was cranky because I remembered that I only had 1 cup of something when I really wanted 2 cups! Most of the time, I ended up "estimating" or "adding a bit more" because I was so hungry.
Ooops. . . . . .
So in an effort to save time (mainly in the morning), I pre-measured enough food for a few days. I had my measuring cups out and everything! I fired up the mini-George Forman and cooked up all of the lean beef and the lean turkey that I had. . .Hmmm, three days worth of meals and I only have to clean the Foreman once?
Yes, Sadillac better be proud!
I came to a realization tonight. . .
I'm eating less.
I'm satisfied.
I'm not near as cranky at meal-time.
Yes, I admit it - there is enough food on my plate (even though it doesn't look like it) to make my tummy full for awhile, but not stuffed. About two hours later, I am hungry again (I believe this was Sadillac's plan). . .but I just keep busy and after another hour, I get to eat again!
Wow. . .
By the time I get to my maintenance mode, I think the smaller portions will look normal.
If not, I will continue to pre-measure food when I'm not hungry!
Doesn't work too well in the long run.
I think I mentioned previously that I am back in another weight-loss competition.
Yes, I'm crazy - I never claimed anything different! My ever muscular cheerleader, Sadillac, put together a meal plan for me. It's pretty clear: 4 oz of this here, 1/2 c of that there, so much of this, so little of that. . .
I USED to like him!
So, I was getting a little aggravated measuring out my portions at every meal. I was cranky because I remembered that I only had 1 cup of something when I really wanted 2 cups! Most of the time, I ended up "estimating" or "adding a bit more" because I was so hungry.
Ooops. . . . . .
So in an effort to save time (mainly in the morning), I pre-measured enough food for a few days. I had my measuring cups out and everything! I fired up the mini-George Forman and cooked up all of the lean beef and the lean turkey that I had. . .Hmmm, three days worth of meals and I only have to clean the Foreman once?
Yes, Sadillac better be proud!
I came to a realization tonight. . .
I'm eating less.
I'm satisfied.
I'm not near as cranky at meal-time.
Yes, I admit it - there is enough food on my plate (even though it doesn't look like it) to make my tummy full for awhile, but not stuffed. About two hours later, I am hungry again (I believe this was Sadillac's plan). . .but I just keep busy and after another hour, I get to eat again!
Wow. . .
By the time I get to my maintenance mode, I think the smaller portions will look normal.
If not, I will continue to pre-measure food when I'm not hungry!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Are They On To Something?
All of you beer lovers out there may have been a bit happier on May 2, 2007. . .
Why you ask?
There is now another reason why beer should be produced in mass quantities.
And I know you would agree that it would be a shame to let a drop of that beer go to waste!
I foresee an increase in Happy Hour potential. . .
I know someone who may be very happy if Miller Lite got into this predicament. :)
Why you ask?
There is now another reason why beer should be produced in mass quantities.
And I know you would agree that it would be a shame to let a drop of that beer go to waste!
I foresee an increase in Happy Hour potential. . .
I know someone who may be very happy if Miller Lite got into this predicament. :)
Monday, May 14, 2007
My Puzzle Pieces. . .
People make plans. They have goals, deadlines, career paths. Then fate steps in.
Some call it destiny. Some call it karma. I call it divine order.
Deep down, I know that only one person on this Earth can make me happy - Me, Myself and I (wait, is that three people?). MommyMarie gave me life. Luke guided me as I experienced some big life lessons. Egypt has traveled so many of my paths with me. N2 keeps me grounded in my truth. SassyMarie takes all of the responsibility for this life.
At some point in the future, my life will change - I am not sure how or when, but that is not for me to worry about right now. I need to focus on the puzzle pieces that I have in front of me - where they fit, who they belong to, when they should be moved around or let go. . .Knowing that there are still many more pieces to be received. Will some of them be from you?
It has been a few years since I visualized this journey - I think it is time to make a new Treasure Map. Will have to make that a priority in the upcoming weeks: To let spirit know my desires. . .
"Thank God for Dreamers and Children
Reminding us the stars are worth the reach. . .
They cast away all doubt,
Knowing it will all turn out. . .
It's not make-believe,
It's possibilities. . ." - Cliff Ruban (song lyrics)
Some call it destiny. Some call it karma. I call it divine order.
Deep down, I know that only one person on this Earth can make me happy - Me, Myself and I (wait, is that three people?). MommyMarie gave me life. Luke guided me as I experienced some big life lessons. Egypt has traveled so many of my paths with me. N2 keeps me grounded in my truth. SassyMarie takes all of the responsibility for this life.
At some point in the future, my life will change - I am not sure how or when, but that is not for me to worry about right now. I need to focus on the puzzle pieces that I have in front of me - where they fit, who they belong to, when they should be moved around or let go. . .Knowing that there are still many more pieces to be received. Will some of them be from you?
It has been a few years since I visualized this journey - I think it is time to make a new Treasure Map. Will have to make that a priority in the upcoming weeks: To let spirit know my desires. . .
"Thank God for Dreamers and Children
Reminding us the stars are worth the reach. . .
They cast away all doubt,
Knowing it will all turn out. . .
It's not make-believe,
It's possibilities. . ." - Cliff Ruban (song lyrics)
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Thank God. . .
I had a pretty rough week! I can't really come up with a reason why it was so rough or why I wasn't able to snap myself out of it, it just was! It was bad enough that I posted a bulletin on myspace asking for jokes and pick-me-ups. Yes, it was really that bad.
Thank God I have some great friends. Someone, who shall remain name-less because I haven't come up with a nick-name for them yet (you know who you are!), gave up their Friday night without a thought to cheer me up.
Were they successful? Yep.
Do I owe them big time? Yep.
Should they get a sweetheart of the year award? ABSOLUTELY (working on that one)
So now, I'm off to try to eliminate some of the dirt that has made itself at home in my condo.
Wish me luck!
UPDATE #1 (2:25pm):
It took 1.5 hours, a few wrestling matches, a scraped knuckle and much more knowledge about my cleaning appliances than I ever wanted to have - but I now have a working vacuum cleaner!
*SIGH* Now, I guess it's time to clean...
UPDATE#2 (10:15pm):
OK. . .You are getting another update because that was the only reason I kept cleaning! *SIGH*
Done: Full Bath, Half Bath (I should get credit since I HATE TO CLEAN TOILETS!), Bedroom (ok, I still need to change the sheets - but I'm the only one sleeping in the bed, so I don't think that counts!), Living Room, Front flower beds (cleaned out and ready for flowers!) :D
For Another Day: The Entire 2nd floor (I worked on all 3 rooms, they just aren't done) :P
May Never Get Done: Office (Have you seen that room?? It is the computer / paperwork pile / scrapbook / sewing / catch-all room. I didn't touch it!!!) :O
Thank God I have some great friends. Someone, who shall remain name-less because I haven't come up with a nick-name for them yet (you know who you are!), gave up their Friday night without a thought to cheer me up.
Were they successful? Yep.
Do I owe them big time? Yep.
Should they get a sweetheart of the year award? ABSOLUTELY (working on that one)
So now, I'm off to try to eliminate some of the dirt that has made itself at home in my condo.
Wish me luck!
UPDATE #1 (2:25pm):
It took 1.5 hours, a few wrestling matches, a scraped knuckle and much more knowledge about my cleaning appliances than I ever wanted to have - but I now have a working vacuum cleaner!
*SIGH* Now, I guess it's time to clean...
UPDATE#2 (10:15pm):
OK. . .You are getting another update because that was the only reason I kept cleaning! *SIGH*
Done: Full Bath, Half Bath (I should get credit since I HATE TO CLEAN TOILETS!), Bedroom (ok, I still need to change the sheets - but I'm the only one sleeping in the bed, so I don't think that counts!), Living Room, Front flower beds (cleaned out and ready for flowers!) :D
For Another Day: The Entire 2nd floor (I worked on all 3 rooms, they just aren't done) :P
May Never Get Done: Office (Have you seen that room?? It is the computer / paperwork pile / scrapbook / sewing / catch-all room. I didn't touch it!!!) :O
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Since I returned from my weekend away, all I have wanted to do it sleep.
I am back to eating healthy and exercising a lot. That may play into the fact that I am so tired and run-down. On average, I normally get about 5 to 6 hours of sleep a night. Since the retreat, I am hitting about 9 hours a night. Very unusual for me - but my body must need it, so I will continue on that path.
The good news is that I have successfully taken off all of the weight that I put on last week. . .
You know, all of those "gifts" that you give yourself when you know you are about to take it all away?
I had to have ice cream. . .
I had to go to my favorite lunch spot. . .
I had. . .
I had. . .
I had to gain lots of pounds last week with all of my "gifts".
So, now I am back to where I was when I decided to enter into this latest weight loss competition. *SIGH* A long week worth of work and still so far from my goal!
But - I am now in the groove that I need to be in to hit that final goal. . .
The final goal before I have the body fat checked, that is.
I am back to eating healthy and exercising a lot. That may play into the fact that I am so tired and run-down. On average, I normally get about 5 to 6 hours of sleep a night. Since the retreat, I am hitting about 9 hours a night. Very unusual for me - but my body must need it, so I will continue on that path.
The good news is that I have successfully taken off all of the weight that I put on last week. . .
You know, all of those "gifts" that you give yourself when you know you are about to take it all away?
I had to have ice cream. . .
I had to go to my favorite lunch spot. . .
I had. . .
I had. . .
I had to gain lots of pounds last week with all of my "gifts".
So, now I am back to where I was when I decided to enter into this latest weight loss competition. *SIGH* A long week worth of work and still so far from my goal!
But - I am now in the groove that I need to be in to hit that final goal. . .
The final goal before I have the body fat checked, that is.
Monday, May 07, 2007
I Was Hoping. . .
I was hoping to create a fabulous blog post for all of you to comment about (I haven't been too successful at this in the past). . .
But I finally conceded that I am in need of some shut-eye. . .
And it was the first day back with my "healthy lifestyle", so I am dragging just a bit. . .
So, I'll just say "HELLO!" and leave it at that.
But I finally conceded that I am in need of some shut-eye. . .
And it was the first day back with my "healthy lifestyle", so I am dragging just a bit. . .
So, I'll just say "HELLO!" and leave it at that.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Refreshing Weekend
Ever been in the place where anxiety is the norm? Where everything just keeps rushing by you and you can barely get anything crossed off of your "To Do List" let alone find any time for yourself?
That was my reality! I needed to get away for some renewal, some reflection time.
I am happy to say that I did that this weekend at a Women's Retreat: "When I Dream. . ."
I saw some old friends, met some new ones.
I allowed my body to sleep.
I read a book that a friend loaned to me (I thought it would be a nice break from the work I had to do this weekend, but in the end the book became a part of my processing).
I did some soul searching.
I thought about where my life is going and where I want to be.
Just some quick notes that I wrote down throughout the weekend:
> In eight hours of sleep, most people have five dreams
> There are over 700 references to dreams in the bible
> Some think that everything in a dream has something to do with you symbolically
> Dreams are today's answers for tomorrow's questions
> We can have anything we want when we CO-operate with Spirit
> When you have an inspired thought: don't ignore it - act on it!

Here is the Prism Of Powerful Intention that I created (started as a triangle with rope connecting the sides).
The picture doesn't do it justice - the is a lot of flowing purple and cream ribbon that I was just captivated by! I have no idea why I put anything where I put it or why I used the colors that I did, etc etc etc.
I am sure (as happened in the past with my spirit dolls) that in a few months, I will understand why this beautiful creation was made.
As I left the retreat to return home, I made the following intention:
I am going to finish what I started and listen to my intuition again: I am going to complete my physical transformation goal! Starting tomorrow, I will be back at the gym 5x a week and remove the last of the weight from my body.
Off I go to figure out a very short dream I had this weekend:
There was a Diet Pepsi vending machine in my retreat bedroom (instead of my roommate's bed) that a friend (who wasn't at the retreat) came in to use while I was laying down napping.
"Whether you think you can or you can't. . .You are right." - Henry Ford
That was my reality! I needed to get away for some renewal, some reflection time.
I am happy to say that I did that this weekend at a Women's Retreat: "When I Dream. . ."
I saw some old friends, met some new ones.
I allowed my body to sleep.
I read a book that a friend loaned to me (I thought it would be a nice break from the work I had to do this weekend, but in the end the book became a part of my processing).
I did some soul searching.
I thought about where my life is going and where I want to be.
Just some quick notes that I wrote down throughout the weekend:
> In eight hours of sleep, most people have five dreams
> There are over 700 references to dreams in the bible
> Some think that everything in a dream has something to do with you symbolically
> Dreams are today's answers for tomorrow's questions
> We can have anything we want when we CO-operate with Spirit
> When you have an inspired thought: don't ignore it - act on it!
Here is the Prism Of Powerful Intention that I created (started as a triangle with rope connecting the sides).
The picture doesn't do it justice - the is a lot of flowing purple and cream ribbon that I was just captivated by! I have no idea why I put anything where I put it or why I used the colors that I did, etc etc etc.
I am sure (as happened in the past with my spirit dolls) that in a few months, I will understand why this beautiful creation was made.
As I left the retreat to return home, I made the following intention:
I am going to finish what I started and listen to my intuition again: I am going to complete my physical transformation goal! Starting tomorrow, I will be back at the gym 5x a week and remove the last of the weight from my body.
Off I go to figure out a very short dream I had this weekend:
There was a Diet Pepsi vending machine in my retreat bedroom (instead of my roommate's bed) that a friend (who wasn't at the retreat) came in to use while I was laying down napping.
"Whether you think you can or you can't. . .You are right." - Henry Ford
Thursday, May 03, 2007
I Was Desperate!
I really needed some motivation to finish the major part of my self-imposed make-over.
Yes, I'm talking about the weight reduction.
There was a two pound range that I had made myself at home. I didn't really want take up residency there, but I couldn't seem to find the gumshin (is that a word?) to move out.
BUT. . .Now I have reasons!!!
Have I mentioned that I'm going to Vegas in June? If not: I'M GOING TO VEGAS IN JUNE! Yep, reserved the plane tickets today (geez, I hope my boss approves the vacation since the tickets are non-refundable!!!).
So, Vegas in June = High Temps (dry heat, but still. . .) = Minimal Clothing = Gotta Lose the Last of the Weight = WEIGHT LOSS COMPETITION!
Yes, I was desperate - I created another weight loss competition.
I have 5 weeks to loose 5% of my body weight. It starts on Monday and I will be doing everything possible to achieve this goal.
This will be the fourth weight loss competition that I have been involved.
This is the first time that Sadilac looked at me with concern and a "Are you sure??".
Oh My God - I am worried. And yes, I was desperate!
Prayers are welcomed. . .
Thought of the day:
If you say you are going to do something, shouldn't you do it?
Yes, I'm talking about the weight reduction.
There was a two pound range that I had made myself at home. I didn't really want take up residency there, but I couldn't seem to find the gumshin (is that a word?) to move out.
BUT. . .Now I have reasons!!!
Have I mentioned that I'm going to Vegas in June? If not: I'M GOING TO VEGAS IN JUNE! Yep, reserved the plane tickets today (geez, I hope my boss approves the vacation since the tickets are non-refundable!!!).
So, Vegas in June = High Temps (dry heat, but still. . .) = Minimal Clothing = Gotta Lose the Last of the Weight = WEIGHT LOSS COMPETITION!
Yes, I was desperate - I created another weight loss competition.
I have 5 weeks to loose 5% of my body weight. It starts on Monday and I will be doing everything possible to achieve this goal.
This will be the fourth weight loss competition that I have been involved.
This is the first time that Sadilac looked at me with concern and a "Are you sure??".
Oh My God - I am worried. And yes, I was desperate!
Prayers are welcomed. . .
Thought of the day:
If you say you are going to do something, shouldn't you do it?
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Lists - Paper or Mental?
I don't really like pieces of paper with lists on them. . .
They are very controlling. . .
They feel very restrictive to my daily life. . .
I was making up a list in my head - you guessed it, of things to blog about.
As I added the last item to my list, I remember thinking "It's going to take me weeks to cover all of these topics!"
Why am I blogging about lists tonight?
Because I don't remember one thing that was on that mental list!
So, I will continue to make lots of list on paper. . .
I will gets lots of stuff done. . .
I will be organized and have time to do whatever in my spare time. . .
Gonna find a small notebook to carry around with me so that I can recreate the "To Blog About" list.
Thought of the day:
I found what I want. Then, I realized that it currently belongs to someone else. . .
They are very controlling. . .
They feel very restrictive to my daily life. . .
I was making up a list in my head - you guessed it, of things to blog about.
As I added the last item to my list, I remember thinking "It's going to take me weeks to cover all of these topics!"
Why am I blogging about lists tonight?
Because I don't remember one thing that was on that mental list!
So, I will continue to make lots of list on paper. . .
I will gets lots of stuff done. . .
I will be organized and have time to do whatever in my spare time. . .
Gonna find a small notebook to carry around with me so that I can recreate the "To Blog About" list.
Thought of the day:
I found what I want. Then, I realized that it currently belongs to someone else. . .
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