Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Virus... Post 6

As of midnight last night, both Michigan and Ohio are now "shelter in place" or "stay home" mandated.  Not really much different than what we were - except now it is required.

The big difference for us is that we cannot just go drive around anymore to get out of the house.
Well, we could.... BUT...

Essential workers are still out there - which is honestly, a pretty big list.
And we are blessed to be able to continue working from home during this time.

We utilized DoorDash tonight to give me a break in the kitchen and to support a local restaurant.  Delivery of food is still essential.  :)  And the delivery guy was very careful to open the bag and have me pull the food out.  It appeared that is how the food was put in (by the restaurant) and he didn't touch it AT ALL.  I was still careful and sprayed down the bag and washed my hands...

I was able to get new cutting blades from Amazon (prime delivery was five days - still worth it!), so I will be quilting again in the VERY near future.  We are also lined up to work on a few home projects this weekend... We'll see how that plan goes.

STATS as of today (worldometers.info):
421,413 cases
18,810 deaths
108,388 recovered


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