Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Virus...Post 7

Another day and another small room got the "spring clean" treatment... Today: Utility Bathroom!

I keep putting off the kitchen and the main section of the living room as THEY WILL NOT BE FUN!

It was so nice outside (hard to believe we just had snow a few days ago) that we went on a bike ride.
I tried out my new biker shorts (under my jeans) and they did help a bit, but not near what I was hoping!  It was a nice ride...
We saw (from a distance) walkers, bikers, someone attempting in-line skates and a couple of girls on a mo-ped.  We all did pretty good to adjust paths to keep a distance and it was a really nice break from the house.

I finished up another scrapbook - 2014 is done! 
I have one more digital to do (2015) to be caught up for the 2008 - current time frame. 
I also just order some prints from Shutterfly to finish up the pre-2008 North American vacations book. Wish me luck!

I did look at the ole retirement fund. 
It was bad...
Not as bad as I thought it would be...
But it was bad...

Here's to another day of healing and prosperity for everyone!
I'm ready to put this virus behind us...

STATS as of today (
468,905 cases
21,200 deaths
114,218 recovered


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