Saturday, November 05, 2011

Drowning in Paperwork

I used to keep every scrap of paper that came into my home for seven years.
It easier - I had to keep the taxes for seven, why not everything else?

I have gotten better about throwing things away quicker, but papers do get layed around the house until I get everything into Quicken. If you know how hard it has been for me to find time to post on this blog this past year, you can imagine how much time I found to take care of filing and all of that paperwork!

I finally had enough of all of the piles around the house. . .
I spent about five hours of h e ! ! today filling up a trash bag full of shredded papers and organizing files and. . .
I still have a few more hours to go.

My goal is to find those hours over the next few days to get caught up for the first time in four years!


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