Saturday, February 10, 2018


Saw a saying today that kinda fits as my personal motto:
"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do."
Now, don't get me wrong... 
If you say that I can't cure cancer. I'm probably going to agree with you.
I am not a fan of science (my only C in high school).

If you say that I can't be an independently successful woman...
If you say that I can't do something like data conversion...
If you say that I'll never find my prince charming...
Done, Done and Done.

Yes, all three of those things were said to me at one point in time or another and I buckled down and got it done.  OK, so the prince charming one - I can't really take credit for that one.  But hey, it sounded good as I typed it.  And yes - someone did once tell me that I would never find a man who would want to marry me (was supposedly someone who loved me too - go figure).

If I am in any way on the fence about whether I can do something or not...
All it takes is someone telling me that I can't to get me to set my mind to it.

Another saying that I saw today that struck home:
"H.O.P.E.   Hold On, Pain Ends"

I can only say that I HOPE that the weather in Kentucky clears up VERY SOON.
I have found that:
Stress is Pain
Financial Burden is Pain
Emotional Distress is Pain
Worry is Pain
I am holding onto HOPE as long as I can...
I'm hoping that spirit knows about the critical deadline connected to that HOPE that is out of my control.  I so wish this was something that I could set my mind too!


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