Friday, February 23, 2018

#FridayFinds - Steak House in Indiana

My find this week was from a trip we took earlier in the year.
We were looking for a steak house that would let us in (we had on jeans and in my case - a t-shirt).

We found this place in New Albany, Indiana (just across the river from Louisville):
Brooklyn and the Butcher
The internet said that it was New Albany's best kept secret.
All I know - It was yummy!

The mac-n-cheese pictured above was MBB's.  He said it was too dry - not enough cheese.
But honestly, that was the only negative thing we experienced the entire meal.

Though, don't think that since they didn't care about our dress that they didn't care about their $$$$$s.
It was definitely steak house prices - but worth it for a treat with good friends.


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