Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And It Has Begun!

Yes, I'm guilty - The date of this post isn't the date that I posted it, but the day I took the pictures.
I'm dating my posts as if I was efficient and posted as things happened. hehe

MBB and I could not be there this year for the "getting on the bus for the first day of school". I thought about going into work late, but with MaBell having a Volleyball Game that evening, I just couldn't move my hours.

So, we created a new tradition: First Day of School Family Breakfast.
We all got up a little bit early and sat down for Biscuits and Gravy. . . A family favorite.
OB's opinion of the morning: "You won't be here for us to get on the bus tomorrow either!"
Nice try, but no. . .lol
It was nice to start the school year together.
It wasn't so nice being up until 11:00 that night doing homework.
Yep, first day of school and MaBell stayed up late and then got up at 4:30 to finish it.


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