Monday, May 04, 2009

War Time #1

There has been an on-going war in our house that started this weekend. . .
Primarily between MaBell and MBB.
OB and I have dabbled a little bit, but this one really belongs to the two of them.

I forget what started the whole thing while we were out and about Saturday, but I think the moves since then are more interesting anyway.
You see, this war is more like a chess match. . .
The motto of this war is: "I don't get even, I get ahead!"
My rule for the war - No one can be harmed physically and it can't cost me money (no messing with food that will cause it not to be eaten).

You also have to remember that we have someone in the house with uncontrollable foot odor.

Saturday evening, we learned that MaBell had done something to "get ahead" that wouldn't cause 'immediate' poisoning and wouldn't impact me. . .

Saturday night (I had forgotten all about the war), I get into bed and in arranging my pillows notice something under MBB's pillows. . .
Smelly socks.

I couldn't stop laughing.
I couldn't stop my eyes from leaking.
It seriously took me about 15 minutes to stop my giggle fest.

And that was just the first move.
(MBB acted like we didn't notice them when MaBell mentioned it the next day - let me tell you, there was NO WAY we wouldn't have smelled those socks!!!)


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