Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Looking at Fishies. . .

In sixth grade, I had to do a report on the sea which turned into a report on deadly fish.
Ever since, this has been one of my favorite fish.
Last night, we had a family outing at the Aquarium and I got to see my beautiful, but deadly, Lionfish. It was interesting that this is a fish MaBell enjoys looking at as well.

I found another fish that I think is just beautiful - the Cardinalfish.
The ones that I saw last night were a bit prettier, but I couldn't find a better picture (and I left my camera in the car!).

MBB also got me to "pet" a shark for the first time.
I zoned in on a beautiful black one. . .It felt like wet velvet - very unusual!


NOTE: I did not take the pictures posted here.

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