Monday, June 29, 2020

My Thoughts on Social Injustice...

This blog has changed over the years...
I used to post about issues and things that were on my mind...
Then it evolved to what it is today - which is pretty light-hearted about food, crafts and such...

I decided that I needed to go back to my roots for this one.

I am not a fan of Social Injustice in any way, shape or form.
As a part of my job, I work to provide opportunities for everyone to be allowed to compete...
And it has become my passion.
And I have many friends with different ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc.
And they are all important and valuable in my life.

It bothers me that humans are profiled for anything other than their actions.
It bothers me that humans are not given the same opportunities for housing / education / jobs.
It bothers me that orchestras have to have auditions behind screens with no shoe sounds to be fair.
It bothers me that resumes/applications are evaluated differently when the names are hidden.

And even though it bothers me, I realize that I need to do more to make sure that I am not part of the problem.
I am working to educate myself more - not only with Black Lives Matter (and they do), but Hispanic/Latino, Native America (I am pretty confident that I have Sioux Indian blood, but I have no idea of the % (8.25%?) or any way to document it...), Asian American, LGBTQ+, etc.

I was in a seminar the other day that laid out privilege for me in way that really made me go "Hmm"...  
To be privileged means (according to this seminar) that you are "invited to the table" or "invited into the room" or "invited to be a part of a group"... insert whatever phrase resonates the most with you.

We all have areas that we are privileged, and we all have areas that we aren't.
It is up to those of us who are privileged in an area to help those who aren't and hope that in areas that we don't have privilege, others will help us.

I am a women - in some situations that makes me privileged and in some it doesn't.
And believe me - I have experienced sexism many times in my life.
I am Caucasian - that makes it easier for me in most situations.  There are others (wanting to go to a seminar for "women of color") where it doesn't.
I am a heterosexual - that makes it easier to me in most situations, but again - I have had times where I am in the minority and feel very uncomfortable. And that's okay.
I am a college graduate - and even though I worked very hard for that privilege, it is still a privilege.

The point is - everyone has times when they are privileged and times when they aren't.

The problem is that some groups have far more items in the non-privileged column than privileged.  
We all need to make sure that we take it upon ourselves to understand when it is easier for us to get a seat at that table (or whatever phrase works for you) and give a hand up (not hand out) to someone who needs it. 
That is all anyone wants.

There are good cops and there are bad cops.
There are good leaders and there are bad leaders.
There are good people and there are bad people.
There are good protesters and there are bad looters.

Notice something that was missing from those four statements? 
Race / Gender / Sexual Orientation.
I value those things (Race / Gender / Sexual Orientation / etc) in all of my friends and family.
I love to learn about our differences...They make us unique and special.

The big thing is that we all need to start communicating and talking so that all of the good people are working together to give each other hand ups and to stop the bad people. And a big part of all of this communication, which also means education for me.  
I am watching more documentaries. 
I am reading more books.  
I am listening more (oh that word is sooooooo important!).  
[I may start posting about some of my education as a resource. If there is interest, I might... Even if there isn't, I might just for me...]

And today - Black Lives Matter!  
Or if it reads better to you: Black Lives Matter Too!

In the end - yes, All Lives Matter - that is understood.  
But today, not all Black people are treated like they belong in that "All" statement, so it is time to spotlight their injustices and do something about it today. 

Because tomorrow, we may need to move the spotlight to another injustice and another... 
One day it might even be <Something that SassyMarie is> Lives Matter and I hope that others will stand up with me as I will stand with them.

Today - I stand with Black Lives Matter as a peaceful protest, as a conversation, as a call for action to fix what is broken.

I hope you are willing to listen, to be educated and to stand to eliminate social injustice.


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