Friday, January 31, 2020

#FridayFinds - Carmel's

You would think that MBB and I have been to enough Mexican restaurants to satisfy us for YEARS.  Nope - we keep trying more.

And it is no longer that we want to go to a specific restaurant to eat, but now we have a specific dish that we want... So, we have about five Mexican restaurants now on the repeat list (and that is just around where we live)...

Overall Carmel's is a repeat for us.  The location is very convenient and we both have a dish that we really like... I have noticed that how the good the restaurant is depends on your server.  Some times it is great and others - not so much (we have now been three times).

Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of the restaurant... But google it - I'm sure you'll find it in Toledo.

Funky Dip - without the beans
This is not on their menu... And I have to keep this picture in my phone to help us order.
The first waitress who came up with it based on hearing what MBB likes was great... The others - need the picture.
This is a Chicken and Chorizo Burrito with no Beans.

Fajita Quesadilla with no green peppers

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