Saturday, June 16, 2018


There are five generations living together in the USA today...
Four of them are working today making a living...

Lately, it feels like everyone is focusing on one generation only.
I don't agree.
I think it is important for all of us to understand all of the generations - why they do things the way that they do and how we can work / live together successfully.

I believe that we can all learn from each other.  To cast aside anyone - young or older is wrong.

So, I have put some of my thoughts here (and some research with my best fiend).
I take no credit for creating any of this, but I will say that these are generalities and do not apply to everyone who may be in that generation.

The Silent Generation 1925 - 1945 (ages 73-93ish)
-Expected a hard life (Christmas present may be a full meal)
-No major protests...
-One income families
-Corporate loyalty
-Disciplines, self-sacrificing & cautious

Baby Boomer 1946 - 1964 (ages 54-72ish)
-Huge population increase that followed the Great Depression and WWII (77 million).
-Famous for spending every dollar they earn - fueling world ecomonies.
-Fought for environmental protection
-First TV generation
-Cold War, bomb shelters,
-Saw the assassinations of JFK and MLK
-Space travel
-Civil Rights Movement

Generation X (Baby Bust) 1965 - 1980 (ages 34-53ish)
-First generation to experience the highest level of education in the US to date
-Want to save the neighborhood, not necessarily the world
-Don't necessarily feel like a generation
-Exposed to AIDS and its risk
-Ave 7 jobs over the course of their career
-Latch Key kids
-Deep credit card debt
-Quick to diverse - many single parents
-Saw the fall of the Berlin Wall and the split of the USSR

Millennials (Gen Y) 1981 - 1994 (ages 24-33ish)
-Have a "safety net" of their side hustles
-Enormous academic pressure
-Fast / immediate processing
-They have been constantly told that they are special and expect that from the world
-They work hard, but prefer a more relaxed work environment - flexibility
-Need to feel that they are bringing value to their job or they will move to another that they do

iGen (Gen Z) 1995 - 2012 (ages 6-23ish)
-More tolerant of different cultures, sexual orientations, races
-Will never have known a world without computers and cell phones
-More cautious, less risk taking
-Less likely to go to church
-More likely to use Instagram
-Less "face to face" due to smart phones
-Heavy use of gaming
-Grew up more protected than prior generations

I am interested to keep learning about the generations.
I don't believe that all of the stereotypes are accurate for everyone...
For instance, I am a Gen X, but I am not heavy into credit card debt and I have only had one job in my career (so far).


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