Thursday, May 10, 2018

Major Renovation

I know about Septic Systems... I grew up with them.
You know (speaking from a 10 year old's memory) - don't flush stuff that shouldn't be flushed because it stays in your backyard and Dad will find it out if you didn't when he gets the tank pumped.
Every so many months - you have to flush septic stuff down it to keep your house from smelling.

What I did not know...
>That you should ALWAYS pump your septic every five years (whether you think it needs it or not)!
>Apparently, if you don't the chemicals from the waste in the septic could destroy the tank.
>And, when you are buying a house... Get an inspection on the tank whether you think you need it or not.  You never know - you may have a hill-billy system that isn't a true system (true story).

That education led to a major renovation of a new septic system...
Which is why I now know what a septic tank and leach beds look like as they are being installed:

I'm glad that this part of my education is coming to a close.


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