Monday, November 18, 2013


One think that I have learned over the years is that I hate having responsibility for others.
Whether that be a group project in school, shared assignments at work, supervising at a camp/team function... I could go on and on.  I'm sure everyone out there has similar situations that they experience everyday.

During school, and even work to this day, I could (and did sometimes) just step in when something wasn't getting done...But that either caused issues because the person didn't appreciate it or because they did (hate having to do all of the work from there on out because they knew that I would).  For the most part, I can't just step in and just have to deal with the consequences of others' decisions.

Especially when I am in the middle of a situation, I never know how it is going to work out and if it is worth it or not.  Obviously, when it comes to work - the paycheck is worth it and I just have to deal.  When it comes to my family - it is worth it, but those are probably the hardest ones.  Agreed?  But there are lots of other situations that I knowingly put myself in and can only just hope for the best.

Believe me, I have had my fair share of successes and failures.  The journeys are not easy and when I am right in the middle of one, I never know if it is going to end up successful or not.  On days like today, I have to remember a success to keep me going forward:

Many years ago, I lead a youth group at my church.  We had the opportunity to start attending weekend retreats and most of the kids were excited to go.  There was a boy, however, who started out very defiant.  His parent signed him up for a long weekend camp (pretty far away) and the 15-passenger van was full of "Pull over, I'm walking home.", "I don't want to be here.", "You're going to regret making me go." during the long drive.  Three camps later, he was the first to sign himself up for the trip and truly became a leader at the camp.  When I stepped down from my leadership position to take another role in the church, the impact that he, himself, saw that I had made on him warmed my heart and brought tears to my eyes.


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