Friday, November 07, 2008

One Of Those Days. . .

One that about has tears in your eyes - not from emotion, but from anger and frustration?
One that seems to blow every little thing into a huge mountain?
One that takes everything you have not to rip someones head off (verbally, off course)?
Yep, one of those.

It's not a good thing when the day is initially caused by a co-worker.
It's especially not a good thing when you have a full day of meetings ending up at a football game.

The kids will most likely be off with their friends and MBB has to study, so I'll be sitting there by myself. I may take my camera so that I'm not completely bored out of my mind - not sure yet.
Great way to end the day.

UPDATE: No football for me - MBB and I ended up reviewing math with OB all evening.


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