Monday, October 06, 2008

What Weekend?

Wow - I'm amazed that I am still functioning after the weekend I had.

3:30 - Found out that MBB had to work late (unexpectedly) and couldn't meet the furnace guy.
4:30 - Picked up three extra kids (we were missing one of our own) and rushed home to meet the furnace guy.
5:30 - Ordered pizza.
6:15 - Met pizza guy 5 minutes away (we live outside of deliver area - so they meet us part way).
7:00 - Baked brownies to make brownies sundaes (reality check: brownies with ice cream on top).
11:30 - Swapped the extra three for our missing one and we called the day complete.

6:00 - Finally stopped hitting the snooze on the alarm.
6:30 - Headed out to fill up the cooler and deliver MaBell to the school to catch the Volleyball Bus.
7:30 - Followed the bus to the tournament.
9:00 - Watched Match #1: They lost. :(
11:00 - Watched Match #2: They lost. :(
12:30 - Watched Match #3 (that was scheduled for 1:00): They won. :)
1:15 - Told next match (1st round of tournament) would be at 2:00 (single elimination style).
3:00 - Found out that we got a buy in the first round of tournament.
4:00 - Watched Match #4: They won. :)
6:15 - Watched Match #5: They won - WINNERS of the Silver Tournament. :)
7:15 - Followed the bus from the tournament (Good Decision: accident caused shut-down highway).
8:00 - Picked up MaBell, Picked up dinner from Subway.
8:30 - Arrived at Home Sweet Home!
9:00 - IN BED!

7:30 - Woke up with the worst headache I've had in years (not migraine) and other kinds of sick that you don't want to know about.
10:00 - Finally rolled out of bed. . .Still had a headache, but the other sickness was gone.
2:45 - Left for OB's football game (45 minute drive time).
5:15ish - Watched the game scheduled for 4:30: They lost in overtime. :(
8:00 - Pit stop at Taco Bell / KFC for dinner on the go. MaBell got sick during our drive home.
8:45 - Arrived at Home Sweet Home!
9:00 - IN BED!

Did you all keep up with that?
I didn't even include MBB's class and homework and. . . You get the idea!
Luckily, the bug that both MaBell and I had seemed to be of the 12 hour variety - we both felt fine this morning.


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