Tuesday, July 01, 2008


This is a public blog.
I am careful to not use real names.
I have no idea how many people read it or even who reads it, but I do know that people are finding it via Google / AOL searches. I even have people accessing it from other countries.

I try to keep references to my job at a minimum (don't wanna lose my job like Heather Armstrong did).
Despite that, my employer has asked that I put a disclaimer here.
Even though I don't believe that I have ever disclosed who my employer is, I will do as they ask: “The views expressed here are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.”

Gotta keep the big boss happy - see note about Heather above!
(If you don't know who Heather is - see dooce in the Blog Roll section)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You know what I think?* I think your boss is just embarrassed that you busted him/her on pitching a Styrofoam plate into the recycling bin. She/he should be embarrassed, too. That was patently silly and, not the [redacted] Sassy Marie Inc way of doing business!

Fa fa!
