Monday, June 23, 2008

Bad Habit

I know that I have some bad habits. . .Doesn't everyone?
I try to work on them when I can, sometimes successful, sometimes not.

I have always known that I use incorrect pronouns. I didn't think much about it until someone brought it to my attention this weekend - apparently I do it so much that it is pretty noticeable.

"Our products" instead of Big T's products.

"Our property" instead of MBB's house, Our house and My condo.
"Our kids" instead of MBB's kids.
"Our garden" instead of MBBs Dad's garden.
"Our cars" instead of MBB's car and My car.

It just always seemed simpler, but I think that I need to be truthful rather than simpler.
Wish me luck.



The Frogge Family said...

Who's the dill-hole that has a problem with the way you talk?

Last time I checked, we have two cars in OUR driveway... One is M's and one is mine... but they are both OUR cars!

If you like the way you talk and MBB doesn't mind the way you talk, then I don't see where the problem is.

Unknown said...


I'm working on two elements of speech: swearing less (which is mother-jumping hard!) and using between and among correctly (you use between for choosing between two things and among for more than two things). Up next: less vs fewer.

Your incorrect pronoun usage doesn't quite make sense to me in that you are using "our" to show that you have responsibility for the person or thing involved. If you're watering MMB's Dad's garden, then it is "our" garden. Heck (see - I didn't swear!), Marc and I call our garden "our garden" even though I have yet to water it or plant anything this year. It's "our laundry", and I haven't seen him moving anything from the washer to the dryer in ages.

In summary: It is great that you are working on improving your language skills. Too few people speak English with the fluency it deserves. Your pronoun usage is clearly a pet peeve of someone in your life: you are, however, using those pronouns correctly.