Friday, July 13, 2007

Other Hobbies

I have lots of hobbies. . .
Some have even made appearances on this blog.
Remodeling and Bengals Football are two that are mentioned so often - they even have their own categories!

I have another hobby that is bigger than both remodeling and football.
What is it you ask?
Preserving my memories and trying to make memories for others.
Yes, I'm talking about scrapbooking and card making.

I'm not quite sure why I don't blog about them more as they are such a big part of my life. . .
I guess that I think of the events being preserved more than the act of preserving them. It could be that the focus is more on the "sister time", the "cousin time" (etc) that is occuring while I'm working on the scrapbooks. It is also difficult to share my creations here as I do not post pictures of people or share names on this site.

Card making is a bit different.
I spend time making cards for people and the events in their life.
I usually have more difficulty creating one card than I do make a double-page scrapbook lay-out. The scrapbook is for me.
The card is a gift.
It may end up in the trash, but for a brief moment in time - I have a chance to affect someones life: with a smile, a thought, maybe even a tear.

I don't know that I will blog more about this particular hobby of mine. . .
But for those of you who will on occasion receive a card from me, please know that a lot of determination and creativity went into its creation. You were the focus of my world while it was being created and I hope that you feel the love that is being sent with it, even if the words are not said or written.


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