Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Virus...Post 13

It only took four weeks to get delivered, but I finally got my Shutterfly pictures.
That resulted in me finishing up my pre-2008 North American vacation pages.

I started to do a happy dance and then looked around my scrapbook room...
Mom's photo albums and some piles of pictures were just lying there...
So, I started making piles and now I have to check some albums to see if I already have these pictures or if I need to do some more pages.

One of these days I'll get caught up on all of the scrapbooking.
Maybe while we are still Sheltering at Home.

As I was going through some papers, I also found an Amazon gift card.
No idea how old it is or where it came from, but I decided to see if it was still good.
Surprise, Surprise...
Glad I checked!

In the mean-time, I'll continue to enjoy the concerts on Facebook...
And try to stay centered in all of this craziness...
And dream of getting caught up on my scrapbooking.

STATS as of now (worldometers.info):
1,997,906 cases
126,600 deaths
478,557 recovered


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