Friday, April 17, 2020

Scrap booking Memories... (AKA Virus...Post 14)

I realized that my naming of "Virus...Post**" is getting old.
Before I know it, I could be up to Post 100 and that's just depressing.
So, I'm moving away from those names.
And honestly, I've been blogging about things other than the virus anyway.

I was working on scrap booking again today.
I am bound and determined to get as much done as I can this year...
With or without the Shelter at Home order!
When we move again, I'd rather move photo albums then lots of paper and stickers...
And as nice as it is to get the memories documented for the future...
Documenting those memories brings up lots of emotions: whether it be laughter, a smile a tear.

Tonight, it was tears.
I went through my mom's books and salvaged some of the pictures.
Some were destroyed by floods and some by the adhesive in the old photo albums.
I then redid parts of my albums to integrate the pictures that tugged on my heart that I didn't have.
And now, I sit here in tears still being overwhelmed with all of the emotions that I had from reliving some of the memories that I have of my mom and dad.

It is still unbelievable to me that over the course of three years, I lost both of my parents.
I guess in a sense - at 44, I became an orphan.
And though some of the memories should bring me happiness, it is still so raw that everything still makes me cry.
One of these days, I hope the memories are able to bring smiles instead of tears.

STATS as of now (
2,248,891 cases
154,145 deaths
571,573 recovered


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