Saturday, April 11, 2020

Virus...Post 12

It's been an interesting time for you and for me...
Things are changes both at a micro and macro level...
And overall, I am okay with change (usually)...
I am trying to continue to be in the moment and just experience what life has to give...
But I am also trying to find different things to do to keep the boredom away...

I tried to read some self help books that I had piled up, but never had the time to read.
Yeah - I'm struggling with that one. Just not feeling those right now.

I've done some of my usual hobbies: I got quite a bit of scrap booking done and if my Shutterfly shipment ever arrives - I may get caught up completely.  I made some cards that are allowing me to reach out to some friends far and wide over the weeks.  I've been working on some quilts - some that were already planned and some that weren't.  I dusted off the blog to type my thoughts here a bit...  I've been enjoying our fire-pit and getting rid of shipping boxes that tend to pile up with our physical distancing.

I had stopped playing games on my phone awhile back to reduce the amount of time I spend on my phone or to use the time that I am on my phone in a better way (reading books, catching up with friends, etc).  But I regressed...  I downloaded a Euchre game. 
There aren't enough people in the house to play games and I was missing the interaction and people were talking a lot about Euchre. 
Not sure how long I'll keep it on my phone - don't really like the amount of time it is taking even though it is something different to do.

Those of you who know me, know that I absolutely love music. 
Back when I was single - going to concerts was a HUGE part of my social life.  I believe that the year before I met MBB, I had went to 13.  Unfortunately, that is not so much a part of my life anymore.
This break has been really nice to listen to artists playing their songs for those of us at home.  I believe that I have listened in on four over the last week or so. 
I'd listen to more if I could figure out when they were.

I am also a big fan of "To Do" lists.  I may have to step away from that a bit...
Sometimes, the lists give me anxiety if I don't get the things crossed off in a timely manner.
And as I am already getting too much anxiety from the virus situation, I need to stop looking at the ones that I have made...  I am on overload.

And speaking of overload...  A few days ago we lost 2,000 dear souls in the USA (and a big portion of those were in New York).  That makes my heart sad.  I try to focus on the recovered number, but our loses are getting high and the degrees of separation between us and those who we are losing is getting smaller and smaller. 

I don't say that I hope we get back to normal soon - because I don't think the old normal will ever return.  I think we will value friends, family, jobs and experiences way more than we used to. 
I think we were getting too complacent with the world the way it was. 
So, what I am going to say is that I pray that we find an end to this madness soon and the ability to find our new normal.

STATS as of now (
1,780,271 cases
108,822 deaths
404,029 recovered


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