Thursday, April 09, 2020

Virus...Post 11

We have entered our 4th week of this quarantine. 

I've lost track of when it switched from self quarantine to shelter at home order, but that didn't change how we were living anyway.  

I am hopeful that we are half way through this experience and that the end of April will start us back to a road of socializing. Though I have enjoyed working from home (more than I thought I would). 
Crossing my fingers, but not holding my breath. 

We've worked on a few projects and I am hoping to ramp that up a bit in the coming weeks. I'd love to seriously destroy the To Do list so that we can just enjoy life when we can get physically close to people again. 

We have continued with our 2020 plan to cook more.... but we also try to support some local restaurants during this "no dine-in" time (and we found some new places to eat):
Grubhub/DoorDash - Tekela, Piada Italian Food, El Vaquero, Shawmaholic
Pick-up - Rosie's, Handel's, Mr. G's 
Delivery - Jets

We have been enjoying the nice weather for some bike rides and working in the yard; however, mother nature decided that a 30 degree temperature swing (down) was appropriate today... So we might be transitioning back to indoor projects this week. 

I have tried to minimize my exposure to the news for my own sanity... If it was posted on Facebook, then I might have been exposed to it.  
The one thing that had kept me sane is watching Italy's numbers. I have hope that they are over their peak and are trending toward the end of this craziness. My heart still hurts when I see the deaths each day, but the numbers are slowly decreasing there. 

STATS as of now (
1,604,132 cases
95,732 deaths
356,656 recovered


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