Monday, November 25, 2019

Thankful - Day 4

I've always wanted to do the 30 days of Thanks to refocus and rewire my brain...
But the first week of November is the most busiest week of the year...
So much that I need a week to mentally recover - so half of the month just goes poof!

This year, I decided that it is the right time for me...
Just with a slight spin...
Instead of a post every day, I'm going to do the six days leading up to Thanksgiving with five things that I am thankful for with each post.

Day 4:
> Unique - I am truly blessed that sometimes my mind goes in a different direction that allows me to have different experiences...

> Tovala - A newer innovation that has been a blessed add to our kitchen...

> Crockpots - An old favorite that I still rely on to allow all of the pieces to still fit into the puzzle of life..

> American Eagle - The beautiful symbol that always pulls up the feeling of patriotism and loyalty in my heart.  Yes, even with our faults - I am proud to be an American.

> JD Robb/Nora Roberts, Christine Feehan, Sherrilyn Kenyon - The three who allow me to escape my reality for a bit and join their wonderful imaginations in print... Yes, these are the three that I still buy their words on paper.


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