Sunday, September 03, 2006

Ouch. . .That Hurt!

I finally ordered some "stuff" for the bathroom make-over that is about upon me. I think I've been driving my contractor crazy with emails and request and all of that good stuff. He's been a good sport and has sent me tons of links to web-sites in order to "shop smart" (in other words - not expensive).

I have now racked up my credit card with (here's the ouch part). . .Drum-roll please. . .

A vanity for the full bathroom and the shower hardware. The vanity doesn't have any drawers (which I really wanted), but I love the decoration on it and it's the right shade of wood and size!

I'm still looking for a recessed medicine cabinet and a sink for the half bath. I'll pick up the toilets locally - I refuse to cut-corners on those!


"We can't take any credit for our talents. It's how we use them that counts." - Madeleine L'Engle

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