Thursday, April 02, 2020

Virus...Post 9

In the midst of this craziness, there are some times that you have to do things differently.
We are trying to celebrate a friend in a different way...
I'll share more on that later (after it's done)...
But that made me have to make a run to Walmart yesterday...
And I was able to get the food items that Kroger Click List never seems to have...

I was the only one who went from our household...

I took in a chlorox wipe with me to be safe...
I had a list of what we needed and went straight to those items and nowhere else...

Full transparancy:
I did get plant food which may seem frivolous to some - but it is to save my dad's plant (from his funeral).  Without it, the plant would not have made it through this - so yes, it was essential for me.
And if I hadn't gone "nowhere else", I could have eliminated the liquor store from my next stop...

Throughout the entire time I was in the store, I got just a little miffed...

Just Why...
Please tell me why do you need to take your ENTIRE family to the store?
(by entire - I mean five to seven people)

Now, I get it - if you are a single parent who has no one to watch the little ones, you may not have any choice (though call a friend - if they are like me, they'll get the stuff for you)...
But if there are multiple adults and teenagers - there is NO REASON why you all had to come.
(This was not just one family... I saw about five or six different families in this situation.)


I'm not irritated or anything...

People - Please be smart... Please don't take kids out... Please don't have a party in the story...

Why you ask...
Well, keep reading...

STATS as of today (
1,012,191 cases
53,180 deaths
212,036 recovered


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