Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Goodbye 2019... Hello 2020

I have to say that I am very much happy to bid 2019 a farewell.
It was a rough year with saying goodbye to MommyMarie and being so far from the boys.
But, we made it and I even did decent on the one goal (I think) that I made for the year.

I will not lie - I went down to the wire...
My goal for 2019 was to complete six scrapbooks.
On December 30th, I finished the sixth!
There were four digital books and two done the old fashion - paper way.

I have to say that I get more fulfillment and have more flexibility with the paper way, but the digital way is so much faster, though the cost is a one time thing rather than spread out with the paper!
In the end, they are probably comparable if you get the high quality books/paper. But with the digital, I can make them and hold onto them for a sale (just don't try this on Amazon - they will delete your book!!!).

So, what is a girl like me to do?  Do it again!

I do not think that six is the right number and our server is down, so I can't get to the file to see what I have left to do. I do know that I have two paper books to finish this year and can do at least two digital easily... so what the heck - let's go with SIX again...

I am going to try to get four quilts made this year...
I am going to finish reading the pile of inspirational books (3) on my night stand...
I am going to try to eat out less (by 50%) and cook at home more...
I am going to try to drink more water at work...
I am going to cross quite a few things off of the bucket list...

Granted the vacation to help with those bucket list items is already planned.  :)

Here's to a great 2020.


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