Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Trying Again...

So, I was doing pretty good earlier in the year with intermediate fasting and dropping some pounds...
Then June 11th happened.
Any I couldn't deal with everything at once, so it all came back on (and then some).

I'm still not over this summer...
I still have paperwork and stuff to deal with...

But - it is time to try again...
I can't let my health get completely out of control - that is why I lost my mom.
So, I am going back to what worked about 12 years ago...
It's time to count calories again.

As miserable as I will be, it will be nice to be healthy again.
To be able to ride my bike without getting winded.
To feel like I can go up and down the stairs without my knees hurting.

And it is time to get going again.

Today was Day 3...

And I need to celebrate that I have had three successful days!
Here's to 100 more...


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