Monday, August 06, 2018

Outdoor Remodeling

We have been in Michigan now for about a year...
Home-owners since the end of July and residents since the end of August...

We have been SLOWLY working on the yard to get it where we want.

It's been a lot of work (OB came up a week to help us get some of it done) and we still have a lot to go!

But - there are bushes/low hanging limbs that are no more...

A deck is a much lighter gray than we realized...

 A lily flower bed that makes me very happy...

 A new fire pit that is still a work in progress (I'll post about it again when it's done!)...

And so much more to do...
Hoping that OB might find his way back up north to help a bit more as I am about 60% on the road this month...
I really don't want to wait until next spring to get more done!


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