They do not get to have their cake and eat it too.
Who am I kidding, they could care less and they'll eat that cake.
This is me. These are my opinions. This is my journey. These are my memories.
Today, we said Goodbye.
Well, technically, I said Goodbye to a sleeping man last Wednesday.
Pip Squeak and I went to his bed...I told him we loved him and, I admit as I was fighting back the tears, I whispered Goodbye...
Because I was afraid that I wouldn't see him again.
I was right.
Today was hard...
The funeral home was packed (they had to pull more chairs out of closets)...
I could hear him now "What are all these people doing here for me?"
The pallbearers were made up of one member from each of the eight children's lines who were there (one step-family could not make the trip). MBB represented our line.
I was moved and liked the symbolism...
Whether it was meant or not...
Whether anyone else noticed...
There is one thing that I am a stickler on...
Funeral Processions.
I stop.
I pay my respects.
I do not move my car when a funeral procession is driving by me.
That is the way I was raised. That is how they do it "back where my grandpa grew up".
It has driven me crazy since I moved south (~20 years to be exact) when I see people ignoring this.
Today, I saw it.
Our procession was long...
And all, but four rude *(&%^&$s, stopped.
They didn't always know who was being honored...
But they showed respect anyway.
It was a fitting goodbye to a great man.
There have been many people who have touched my life in many ways...
But there are three specifically who have been grandfathers to me.
One was there from my birth and to this day, 14 years after he was taken from me, I still think of him daily.
I was definitely Grandpa's girl.
When asked that philosophical question "If you could have a conversation with anyone, past or present, living or dead...", I never have to think about it - I'd be talking with my Grandpa.
The second stepped into the role when I joined his life through marriage and never hesitated for one moment. When others in the family didn't want me to be "a real part" of the family, he stepped in and took care of it....Until he was taken from me about 24 years ago that is, then I was no longer "a real part" of the family anymore.
The third was one of the first to make me feel welcomed when MBB brought me into his family. His was the one house that I would go to without MBB and feel like I belonged. A great man who welcomed all into his family...
All three men were larger than life to me...
All impacted who I am...
And as of yesterday, all have amazing wings and memories and legacies...
Love you all...
Miss you lots...
The tears flow for all three of you.