Sunday, December 07, 2014

Visiting an Old Friend...

Awhile ago, I spent a lot of time at a particular church in town which was my spiritual home.
It was pretty much my life, other than work...

I became a member...
I worked with the kids...
I was appointed to fill a vacant spot on the board...
I became Treasurer...
I ran for my own position on the board...
And was Treasurer, Secretary and Treasurer again...
I was there A LOT.

And then...
My life changed and it was no longer "pretty much my life".
I moved further away and added many, many minutes to the drive.
I no longer agreed with the leadership.
We parted ways.

I visited from time to time, but it no longer felt like my spiritual home.
And it has been many, many years since I have felt like I had a spiritual home.

Recently, new leadership has arrived.
And I decided to peek in and see what was going on...
And the feeling from all those years ago was back.
Just sitting in the sanctuary felt...special.

I am not sure if it was just special today with the music and seeing so many old friends...
Or if I was coming home.

My life is still not were it was all those years ago...
But I am interested in seeing if I have found my spiritual home again.


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