Friday, November 02, 2012

7 Months

It has been seven months since Mother Nature's fury.

The first month saw a lot of progress for clearing out debris (please don't look at the top of the trees when you get near our house now...). It feels like month six held the most progress for rebuilding.

New construction is popping up all over...
It isn't uncommon to hear "How much longer on yours..." at school events.
I thought I had a picture of the rubble that is now this new home, but I seem to have missed that one.
It is accurate to say that the new house is VERY different from the two story LARGE house that fought with the twister. 

Debris that made it through Month 1 is finally being hauled away.

In some cases, partial progress of obvious...

And no progress is definitely obvious (yes, I took this picture very recently)...
This house went into foreclosure before March... The bank hasn't made one step to do anything about this eye sore.  The tree on the far right is still sitting on the roof.

On a personal note, we are on the "punch out" list on the house, but are still trying to figure out what to do about the garage on the other property....Yeah, the one that we requested be added to our policy, but "Danny" told them not too and they didn't tell us.

For the most part, it feels like the community is coming back better than before.
I have been able to travel around all the areas and will try to before the winter appears.


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