Friday, July 17, 2009


I've been wanting to have a bonfire for awhile now.
MBB thought I was nuts.

I finally talked him into one while we burned all of the brush from the trees that we cut down.
MaBell had a friend over.
I bought hot dogs and marshmallows.
I called the Fire Department to let them know the plan.

I whittled the end of sticks.
MBB got the fire started.

We cooked the hot dogs.
We had chips and mac n' cheese.
We got out the marshmallows and. . .
There was no more fire.

The brush was too green and we were outta luck.
I called the Fire Department back to let them know we were done.

But MaBell was not done.
She was bound and determined to roast her marshmallows.

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