Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Changes. . .

MBB started back to school last night.
Full time.
Yes, he works full time.
Yes, you read that right.

Yes, this has brought some changes to our household.
We are both working 7 - 3:30 and aren't able to carpool any longer.

Tuesdays and Wednesdays are going to be the biggest adjustment for me.
MBB won't get home from class until after the kids are in bed.
We're right in the middle of football and volleyball seasons, so I'll be hopping trying to stay on top of everything.

If all works out as planned, he'll have his Bachelor's the end of this school year.
Happy Dance!!!


1 comment:

The Frogge Family said...

That is awesome. Hi fives to MBB and to the rest of you over the next few months because it's going to be tough on everyone... but it's great for him and a great example for the kids!