Thursday, April 10, 2008


I've been reading quite a few blogs lately about simplifying things.

I guess you can say that I have done that a little bit:
  • I haven't had cable or satellite TV since I graduated from college
    (Luckily, I found a man who doesn't have them either)
  • I have moved from a bustling suburb back to the country
    (The stars are much brighter out here!)
  • I am spending more time at home with my family
    (The days of getting home at midnight EVERY night are over)
  • I am creating piles of "stuff"
    (To donate or to trash, not to relocate again)
  • I am cooking more
    (Not only is eating in simpler. . .It is also cheaper!)
  • I am getting back in the habit of turning on music when I get home
    (Amazing how much I get done when music is involved)

I am not doing so well in simplifying my spending, but who could when you buy a new house that needs a little tender loving care?


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