Friday, March 07, 2008

No Doubts!

I realized something today.
I am on the right path with the right person. With the right people.

You see - I love to travel. Always have.
I have always looked forward to getting on those planes and seeing other cultures, other places.

Until today.

I still love to travel, but I hate leaving my loved ones behind.
Saying goodbye to MBB, Ma Bell and OB tonight was one of the hardest things that I've had to do.
I will only be gone for a week. . .But it broke my heart to kiss MBB goodbye.

Most of you probably just barfed as a result of this post.
But I realized something important today.
I made the right choice in my life.
I have no regrets waiting as long as I did to find him.

I am so looking forward to getting off of that plane next week and starting the rest of my life with my other half. Yes MBB - Today, I'll even let you be the better half. Love you.


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