Tuesday, February 27, 2007

$216 Million?

A friend pointed out that the MegaMillions Lottery is up to $216 Million and posed this question to me: "What would you do?" So, we started throwing out ideas.

-Pay off all of those pesky bills - keeping a few of the nice ones, of course.
-Set up a fund for the interest to be my paycheck - would hate to be classified as unemployed.
-Build a pool on the roof with a retractable dome.

-Escalate the quest to find the perfect t-shirt that gets a comment every single time I wear it
(So far, my "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" is winning the competition).
-Have a vacation house in all my favorite locations...Ireland, Australia, Italy, Alaska, Hawaii, etc!
-Get that private plane to get me to all of those locations without the pesky delays.
-Buy a certain professional football team - get a new quarterback and change those colors (hehe).

-Holiday Houses - Christmas decorated house for December, Heart decorated house for February. . .
-Purchase every accessory that Stampin' Up offers. . .One can never have too many accessories!
-Make my neighbor's statement that I have the only million dollar 1,200 sq ft condo reality.
-See Westlife in concert - the DVDs just aren't cutting it. . .

-Do you really think a gray hair will ever be seen on this head again?
-Lasik, Chest Reduction, Getting rid of the braces faster. . .Need I say more?
-Finally eliminating the dent in the back of my car. . .Hmmm, maybe by getting a new vehicle? Or two?
-Repeat after me: I will never do dishes AGAIN!

Disclaimer: This list was meant to be flippant and fun. There may have been a few with some truth involved, but I really just noted what came to mind. Charities, gifts, the betterment of human-kind and what-not were not taken into consideration (obviously).


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